Red Phased Screech Owl
Red Phased Screech Owl carved out of Tupelo Wood with Glass Eyes,
mounted on a very Unique piece of Driftwood & Painted with Acrylics

One of my early carvings. This Owl is perched on a very Unique piece of Driftwood comes from the Outer Banks of North Carolina. I was down there on a Windsurfing Vacation. This one day there was no wind so I decide to look for Driftwood. As I was leaning over to pick up a piece of Driftwood I noticed this Snake on a branch real close, so close that I could see it sticking his tongue. That night back at the campsite I was asking about Snakes in the area. I was told that it was probably a Water Moccasin (Cottonmouth) Snake. Their bite can be very serious or even deadly, and seeing that the nearest hospital was about 3 hours away. They told me that it would be probably fatal. Needless to say I did not look for anymore Driftwood on that vacation. I love living in New England where we don’t have that many poisonous snakes around here.