Obsessed with Owls Woodcarving & Photography Studio

Obsessed with Owls Woodcarving & Photography Studio

Barn Owl “Blodeuwedd” Woodcarving


The Owl of Celtic Legend, the Ancient Bride of the Dead.
One of a kind Miniature Carving of a Barn Owl, Carved Tupelo Wood,
Painted with Acrylics, Glass Eyes, perched on a Celtic Cross Gravestone. 

MM02 - Blodeuwedd - 2018

The Legend of Blodeuwedd

The mythology figure Gwydion must help find a bride for his nephew Lleu,
in order for him to become king.  However there is a curse upon Lleu,
that he may never take a human wife.
Gwydion creates a woman out of flowers for him to become his wife.
He names her Blodeuwedd which is said to mean “Flower Face.”  
The ancient name for the Owl.

Unfortunately, Blodeuwedd falls in love with another and has a affair.
She and her lover conspire to murder Lleu. The assassination attempt fails.

Gwydion then places a curse upon Blodeuwedd:
“I will not slay thee, but I will do unto thee worse than that.
For I will turn thee into a bird; because of the shame thou hast done.
Thou shalt never show thy face in the light of day;
and the fear of you from all the other birds.
For it shall be their nature to attack thee,
and to chase thee from wheresoever they may find thee.
Even now the owl is called Blodeuwedd.”

    And this is why other birds mob the Owl
when they find them during the day.

First Place in the Intermediate Bench Class
48th Annual Ward World Championship
Wildfowl Carving Competition and Art Festival